Thursday, July 30, 2009

Comment Today on C-Port Planning Recommendations

Planning recommendations for the 2009 update of the Cambridgeport Neighborhood Study have been available for the past few weeks at (this link to the Community Development Department's C-port page is always available under "Neighborhood 5 Planning Links" in the sidebar at right). Today and Friday are the last days to submit comments on the '09 update.

Some of the recommendations that caught my eye:
  • Actively keep the neighborhood informed and involved on plans for the Microcenter, Trader Joes, and Radisson Hotel sites (along the Charles River) as well as any current or upcoming zoning issues.
  • Facilitate the inclusion of solar power and wind power features for new developments and existing buildings in the zoning ordinance, and look for other ways for Cambridgeport to lead in energy conservation efforts.
  • Increase parking and snow removal enforcement in the neighborhood.
  • Central Square has a major impact on the Cambridgeport neighborhood. The City should make an effort to further improve the Central Square area, including methods to keep the area clean and make it into more of a destination such as more trash barrels, cleaner storefronts, better variety of stores, more user friendly parking with less loading zones and clear time limits.
Contact Neighborhood Planner Taha Jennings at 617-349-4603 or via email at if you would like a hard copy of the planning recommendations sent via mail or if you have any additional questions.

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